This blog post celebrates the availability of all seasons of Extreme Weight Loss (EWL) on Hulu and highlights five transformation tips inspired by the show. The tips include:
- Your past does not define you: Embrace the present, learn from the past, and plan for the future.
- You’re stronger than you think: Challenge yourself, acknowledge past successes, and step out of your comfort zone.
- You will fail: Understand that failure is a natural part of the journey and essential for success.
- Integrity is key: Keep promises to yourself and maintain personal integrity for transformation.
- Never give up: Persist through challenges, take breaks if needed, and practice self-compassion.
These tips are drawn from the experiences of EWL contestants and offer practical advice for personal transformation.
For more detailed insights and inspiration, click below to read the full blog.
Start your journey today and remember, you've got this!
If you are a fan of Extreme Weight Loss (what we lovingly call EWL), or if you missed any episodes, or if you’ve never seen the show, all seasons of EWL are now streaming on Hulu! And while we are over the moon excited about this, it can take some time—many hours, in fact—to glean all the amazing transformation tips and life lessons from all the inspiring contestants on all 5 seasons of the show. After all, every single one of them put themselves out there, in some very vulnerable ways in order to share their journeys with all of us. And while there are more lessons and tips than we could ever share in a single blog post, we’re sharing 5 tips that you can start using on your own transformation journey…today!

Tip #1. Your past does not define you.
Many of the contestants came into the show with a lot of baggage from their past: Abuse, bullying, relationship issues, eating disorders, health issues, infertility issues…you name it—the contestants experienced it in one way or another. And this baggage from the past often kept them from moving forward, achieving their goals, and becoming the people they wanted to become. They had given their past and what happened in the past a majority vote in how they were living their lives. And they were stuck. Like, Gorilla Glue stuck. Someone wisely said, and this can be a tough lesson to learn…
“Never be defined by your past. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence.”
Here are some ways you can put this tip into practice:
- Understand that your past is part of who you are today. Learn from the past and be grateful for the lessons you’ve learned from your past.
- Live in the present. After all, the present is the only thing we can actually control.
- Plan for the future. How will you use the lessons you’ve learned from your past to have a successful future? Just keep in mind that the future isn’t set in stone, and things can happen. But with a plan in place, you’re better equipped to handle any roadblocks and keep moving forward!

Tip #2. You’re stronger than you think you are.
Until we’re challenged, and every single contestant on the show was challenged in one way or another, you really don’t know for sure what you’re made of OR how strong you really are. Challenges can either make us shrink back, or they can help us grow—it’s all up to us. It’s totally normal to have doubts and fears as to what we can actually accomplish and endure, but the key is to face those doubts head-on and keep moving forward, even one teeny, tiny baby step at a time. As we do move forward, we’ll begin to see just how strong we are, which makes it easier to continue taking those steps forward.
“Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.”
Here are some ways you can put this tip into practice:
- Make a list of all the times you’ve overcome a challenge, no matter how big or small.
- Keep that list handy and refer to it when you’re struggling with a new challenge.
- Do one thing out of your comfort zone every single day. This helps to build the faith you have in your own strength to handle difficult things.

Tip #3. You will fail.
There are no ifs, ands, or buts with this tip. You. Will Fail. Every single contestant on the show failed many times on their year-long transformation journey. So, instead of thinking failure is a horrible, awful thing to be avoided at all costs, let’s think of failure as a good thing. It’s something we need to go through to achieve our goals and become who we want to become. In fact, experts at Northwestern University conducted a study of 776,721 grant applications that were submitted to the National Institutes of Health between 1985-2015. What were their findings? Failure is “the essential prerequisite for success”! So, along with the usual hard work, dedication, perseverance, and other things we need to do to be successful, failure is also important! To be successful, we get to fail.
“I have not failed 10,000 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 10,000 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.”
Here are some ways you can put this tip into practice:
- Work on only one thing at a time. Here’s what studies have found about this:
- Work on one thing at a time = 80% chance for success long-term
- Work on two things at a time = 35% chance for success long-term
- Work on three or more things at a time = 5% of for success long-term
If you MUST work on more than one thing at a time, make sure the things are in different areas of your life: Physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual.
- Keep track of your failures. Yes, you read that right. If we’re not aware of what’s going on, we can’t learn from it. So along with that list, also keep track of what you learned from every single failure!
- Be grateful for failures. After all, they’re an incredible education!

Tip #4. Integrity is key.
Integrity—doing what you say you’re going to do when you say you’re going to do it—is key to building and nurturing the best relationships. Personal integrity, specifically, is THE foundation for any transformation. Integrity and Power Promises were the first thing we discussed with the finalists on the show, and it was a powerful experience every time. Here’s the deal: If you don’t keep those Power Promises you make to yourself, you won’t achieve any goal. That’s the 100% truth.
Here are some ways you can put this tip into practice:
- Make that first Power Promise. Click on the link above to learn about the Power Promise-making process.
- Keep track of the reasons and excuses you give yourself for breaking your integrity—your Power Promises—to yourself.
- If you’ve already got a Power Promise, dive deep into how you’re doing at keeping this Power Promise. Do you need to tweak it? If it’s not serving you well, do you need to change it? How could you do better at keeping this Power Promise?

Tip #5. Never give up.
This tip goes along with all of the other tips, but it’s a super important one. At some point during your transformation journey, you will want to give up. This was true with every contestant on the show too. You’ll hit a roadblock, unexpected things will happen in your life, you’ll get discouraged and frustrated, and so on. But…the worst thing you can do is give up! First of all, giving up is baggage you don’t want to carry. It can affect your ability to put the other tips we’re sharing into practice because if you give up, your progress stops. Second of all, giving up is a habit you don’t want to develop. Remember: You’re stronger than you think, and you can do hard things! So…never give up!
Here are some ways you can put this tip into practice:
- Pause, don’t stop. If you’re going through a tough time, instead of stopping altogether, take a break or change how you’re doing things. Often, a short break or a small adjustment can make all the difference.
- Give yourself some grace. Perfection is 100% impossible, so treat yourself with the grace and kindness you’d offer to others who are struggling.
- If you haven’t already done so, create that successes list from tip #2. Then refer to it whenever you’re tempted to give up.
While there are so many other tips we could share from the 5 seasons of EWL, these 5 are a great starting point to help you on your transformation journey, so choose one tip to start with, and go! You got this!

Transformation starts here!
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Join Chris Powell, trainer and host of the worldwide hit TV show ‘Extreme Weight Loss,’ as he guides you through a complete transformation experience. From custom meal plans to macro tracking, 1000’s of workouts to weekly life lessons. Chris and the Transform Team will lead the way to a healthier and happier you!