Summertime is over, and it’s back-to-school time for kids and maybe even some adults. Whether you have kids in school or not, this time of year can be an optimal time to get back to your pre-summertime routine, reevaluate your goals and habits—those things that get you to your goals, take advantage of a fresh start on your goals, and after possibly spending the summer months focused on others, it can be an ideal time to get back to YOU! So, to help get you started on making the last 4 months of 2022 the best ever, we’re sharing 8 things you can do to nail the end of 2022 AND get back to YOU at the same time! #winwin
8 Ways to Get Back to YOU!

- Reevaluate your transformation mindset. Since your mindset is THE key to achieving any goal, the “fresh start” of a new school year is the perfect time to reevaluate your transformation mindset. Take some time to think about and answer the following questions:
- How’s your personal integrity? How well are you keeping your Power Promises?
Learn more about integrity and Power Promises—including how to create a Power Promise—Click below.
- How will you face the stumbling blocks that WILL come your way? This is an important one, especially as we get into the holiday season, which means holiday get-togethers, food, parties and activities, busier schedules, and so on will be filling our calendars.
- What stumbling blocks have you faced in the past? How could you navigate them more successfully in the future?
- How kind are you being to yourself? Do you treat yourself as you would your best friend? Give yourself the grace that you so quickly offer to those who are closest to you. You deserve it!
Learn more about how to create + nurture a transformation mindset here.

- Choose one new thing to learn about or work on. Kids are learning new things at school, so be a kid and learn something new! What have you wanted to learn about or do? Make a list and then choose one thing to start with. And remember: You’re a beginner at this new thing, so you most likely won’t be any good at it…at first. As author Jon Acuff says, “Don’t be afraid to suck at something new.” Powerful words!

3. Choose one thing that’s not working for you and stop doing that thing. Have you ever heard this famous quote from Einstein? “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” It’s true. We’re often pretty stubborn, maybe even telling ourselves, “This time it’s going to work…even though it hasn’t worked the other 100+ times I’ve tried it!” The best way to stop doing something is to replace that thing with something else—a good habit. Why? When you stop doing something, a void is created. If that void isn’t filled, it’s super easy to go back to your old way of doing things—your old habit. So, give yourself a gift and stop the insanity while creating a better habit at the same time!

4. Plan, plan, plan. If you’ve got kids in school, a new school year comes with kids’ activities, homework, and more, which can quickly fill up the calendar. If you don’t have kids in school, the fall months often mean the return to a more regular work schedule, and don’t forget that the holidays are coming up quickly too. So be sure to plan your workouts, nutrition, and the time you’ll be spending on your goals, and don’t forget to schedule regular time for self-care too. If you don’t take care of YOU, you’ll be less able to take care of those who depend on you.

5. Decrease distractions. Distractions are around us 24/7/365, no matter what season of the year we’re in. Distractions can be disastrous where our goals are concerned, so one way to get back to YOU is to decrease the distractions in your life! Here are some ideas to get you started: Monitor your recreational (non-work or non-goal-related) screen time, set daily limits on that screentime (and then stick to them—baby steps might be needed here), unfollow or mute any accounts that aren’t serving you, make notes throughout your day of what distracts you and work to decrease those distractions, and so on. Here’s a startling fact: The average person spends 1.5 months a year watching TV. If you could decrease your TV time by even 25% and spend that time on your habits and goals instead, you’d be crushing it! Think what you could accomplish if you decreased that time by 50%?!?!

- Get your workouts back on track. Maybe you had to change up your workout routine when the kids were home, or maybe some fun summer travel took you out of your workout habit. Now’s the time to get back into a solid workout routine. How can you do that?
- Schedule your workouts in your calendar and treat them like your most important appointments.
- Set out your workout clothes the night before.
- Set up a non-food reward system for completing your workouts. Charts work for kids, so why couldn’t they work for adults too?!
- If working out wasn’t as consistent during the summer months, start back small and gradually work back up to where you were in May.
- Get a workout buddy to help keep both of you accountable.

- Re-examine your WHY. Your WHY is the reason behind everything you do, whether it’s the goals you want to achieve, the career you choose, how you build those most important relationships, how you spend your free time…everything you do. Life can change over time, so this time of year is a great time to re-examine your WHY. Ask yourself the following questions:
- How well is my WHY serving me?
- WHY do I want to achieve my goals?
- How can I make my WHY even stronger? What changes do I need to make?
Since your WHY is constantly evolving just like you are, make it a point to re-examine your WHY on a regular basis, and be sure to refer to it as least daily to get the most benefit out of your WHY!

- Begin today! It’s tempting to say, “I’ll start tomorrow,” or “I’ll start next week,” or “I’ll start when ____ is over,” or any other excuses we use to put off working on our goals. But here’s the deal: Starting on your goal tomorrow or next week or when _____ is over might never happen. And there will always be something else that takes the place of something you cross off your to-do list. So, begin working on your goals today! Even if it’s for only 5 minutes, simply getting started can make all the difference.
While we often think of January 1st as the best time for a fresh start, this time of year can be just as valuable when you make the time to re-examine your habits and goals, make changes when needed, keep taking those baby steps, and get back to YOU!
If you need some help with your transformation goals, we’ve got you covered with The Transform App. Loaded with several workout programs, customized meal plans, over 600 recipes, a step counter, a hydration meter, and the best community possible, The Transform App is the key to your transformation success.